Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fight with me!

I have just found out that a childhood friend has stage 2 breast cancer! Crystal and I have the same birthday, July 20th, two years apart. She is just 29 years old, a mommy to two adorable little girls and has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In an effort to help raise money to offset her medical bills (I know all about those), I have decided that until further notice, 50% of EVERY SALE in my etsy shop will go to help Crystal.
Please go take a look at my shop, I have new items, and more stock than I've EVER had, so more opportunity than ever to raise a lot of money!!!!

Please PRAY for Crystal- I've seen the power of prayer recently and know that God can do anything!

Also, check out Crystal's blog here.



  1. awwww, thanks niccy! and yes- repost this link anywhere! I want to raise as much as possible!
