Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day one

Actually, I don't know what day in my entrepreneurial adventure this is... 

I created my etsy account on March 3rd, 2009. 3.3.09. cool numbers. I thought of that because my husband loves numbers and it seemed fortuitous. 

Last Wednesday was my last night of work as a server. That was purely to get the weekend of Mother's Day (also my mom's birthday) off and be able to go to my best friend's costume Alice in Wonderland birthday party. No, we are not twelve. 

 What will I have accomplished by the end of this long, hot summer? I am hoping to be a tiny humming beehive of activity by then. Perhaps with a little business savvy, and some trial and error experience under my belt, I will actually be making a profit from this growing idea. 

Why freesparrow? In a word, redemption. It is taken from the Old Testament (Leviticus 14). As a sacrifice for being healed, a man would bring two pigeons (OK, so I modified it for the sake of esthetics), one would be sacrificed, the other released to fly away. A picture of my freedom because of the One who died for me. Being an English major in college, the image stuck with me. 

I hope to pour all the creativity in me into this new endeavor, plus much of my time and sweat. This blog will be the internal thought process behind those efforts. Please feel free to stop by and watch my progress, offer tips, ideas, etc, or just go along for the ride. Oh yeah, and stop by my etsy shop, too! 


  1. this is my first entry ever on a blog. is it bad etiquette to point out an error you made? last day of work (May 6) is 5.6.09. Oops.

    I am excited to be a small part of freesparrow.

  2. ok i fixed the post. so much for special numbers. way to join the blogging world, mom!
