I love April. It is my second favourite month, after October. My anniversary is in October, when, in some glorious places, the leaves are changing and a bracing chill is in the air. Here, it might mean the end of 100 degree weather for awhile. April is gorgeous, however, and although I long to move and live somewhere where buying wellies is not absurd, I do appreciate the flowers, the trees, the fragrance of Spring, and the exodus of the snowbirds back to Northern climes.
April is the month of friend birthdays, Jessica, Spencer, Drew, Molly. Last night, I had dinner at my parents' house with Spencer and my dear friend Molly. She is moving farther North (Santa Barbara) to take a job promotion, so that means for the time being I will not see her. I was thinking today that there are some people you just know you will never, ever, lose touch with. Ever. One of those, perhaps the most assuredly so, is Molly. Since we were fourteen, we have written lengthy letters, first beginning with tackily covered journals we passed back and forth. I just found them and gave them back to her as an early birthday gift, and she laughed when she saw them. Oh, Ioan Gruffudd, how we adored thee.
Molly, bon voyage, and best of luck. Perhaps being farther apart will revive the exchange of letters.
I have every good intention. :)