Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Year #2!

A year ago today, along with working the craziest night of the year at Fleming's, I found out about etsy and my world was changed forever.

Thanks, Bethany! Thanks for keeping my informed- I still have to go to that crazy old house in the middle of the desert...

As far as personal New Year's Resolutions go, I think the only one I have is to cook more, and more adventurously. I have lots of goals for freesparrow in 2010. I already started on one by joining twitter!

As for the rest:

Spend more time in forums on etsy and get to know other sellers
Have a 'spring line' with fabric choices for custom orders (my sister's idea)
Open my own bank account (Doing that today!) and paypal account, so spencer can be free from handling all my sales. Thanks, husband!
Blog more about food and use pictures of my stuff with the finished products. (Kita's idea)
Possibly take a class on digital photography or Iphoto to improve my skills

Oh yeah, and LEARN TO SEW! (my mom's idea so she can have all her free time back)

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