I know it's Saturday, but I had NO INTERNET for 24 hours yesterday (funny what a kink that puts in my day now), so here it is a day late.
This week, my mom and I went to Highland Springs Resort, which is a lavender farm near Beaumont, California. We tried to do a photo shoot of our new runners, but the table was too shady, so I will have to use my dining room once again. We did, however, take pictures of our two new summer shirts- one is just posted on etsy- in the beautiful lavender fields. On the way home, we went to the Cabazon outlets, where I found the perfect jeans and a persimmon cardigan from jcrew! Happy early birthday to me. This inspired me, four days into summer, to think about autumn and all the gorgeous clothing that comes with it. Boots, sweaters, jeans, scarves- all in rich fall colours. Sigh.
That reminded me of one of my favourite recently found etsy sellers- Darlingtonia. Katie of Darlingtonia Moccasin Co. makes every pair of moccasins herself from start to finish. These adorable shoes just make me want to curl up in an overstuffed armchair and read Dickens next to a fireplace. Each new pair I see becomes my favourite. And with her background in photography, she makes her wares visually enticing.
You can follow Katie's blog here after visiting her shop!
Hitchcock-inspired mocs!

I love green and eggplant! yummy!

Shimmery! I need these...

and these....

and a smoking jacket for these.

I just want to be wherever this photo was taken. so lush...

Incidentally, while finding that link for the jeans, I stumbled upon this: a blog for people obsessed with jcrew. Where is my sister? She probably writes the thing.
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