Monday, July 5, 2010

I swear it was the 4th of July

What is on your summer to do list?

I just read this one, from a blog listed on a blog, and it was so good I thought I'd share it. Then I will compose my own. I particularly like the 'to feel' part.

I think if I could narrow summertime down to one event, it would be eating dinner like I did tonight. Spencer and I made Shrimp and Apricot Skewers, which we renamed "mis tak-e" (pronounced with fake Chinese accent "Meees tahk ee") Shrimp because the first round was undercooked. Spencer then de-skewered them all, threw them back in a skillet and saved the day! I, the more experienced, yet more likely to throw a good meal out because it's not perfect one, sat at the table drinking my white wine. After round 2 in the pan, dinner was excellent, mostly because of the company and laughter. We then sat at the table, with the candles, Sriracha sauce, and Garden State soundtrack, for close to two hours, discussing which spice each of us would be. I am nutmeg, or pepper, Spencer is vanilla or oregano. I feel like tonight was one of those 'scenes' that would be in the movie version of our life together (the background music for that scene would be 'Gorgeous' by the violet burning). Self-aggrandizing? Perhaps. This weekend also marks the ten year anniversary of that fateful beach trip where I summarily fell in crush (hey, I was sixteen!) with Spencer, beginning a long and winding road to Mis-Tak-e Shrimp.

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