Arboretums. Not the meat filled fast food chain. Spencer and I were going through our pictures the other night in preparation for our family Christmas gift (I'm so excited!), and I found these from our trip to the LA Arboretum in May:
There are waaay too many. Forgive me. But if you know of my obsession with trees, gardening and green spaces in general, you know it could be so much worse.

Spencer grimacing because we had to ride a public school bus from the parking lot.

I want to read on this bench. Wish I lived closer...

One of the many wild peacock's roaming the property. They are mean. But I guess I would be too if my tail feathers were being plucked out be sticky-fingered children.


Yes, I am a jr. high boy.

A cocoon right where we stopped to take a nap.

Old carriage house on the property. I think this may have been a firetruck.

Wedding photos? Quinceanera? (look at that dress! Bam!)

me trying to take a pic with my cell phone.

modern art meets wigwam.

I was in love with this tree.

Succulents! In a chair, of course. So etsy.

Spencer was being a very nice man, considering he generally abhors the sun and is not keen on the out of doors and this was a giant hippy gardener fest. After this we went to Ikea in Burbank and to dinner at Outback in Glendale. So, he was rewarded.
Wow, I remember those peacocks from when I was a kid. They ARE mean! Glad you both survived unscathed.