I don't know about you, but every Easter, I seem to get that old Judy Garland song from Meet Me in St. Louis stuck in my head. It seemed fitting this year, however, as I was decked out in a 50's inspired plaid dress that I (read, my mom) made. I think I could make a dozen of these and wear them all the time...

Spencer enjoying a Peep.

Spencer took this picture- I love the angle- of Isabella hunting for eggs. It was just her and a dozen adults 'helping' - 'over there, Isabella' 'look behind you, isabella' 'there's another one!'... She performs great under pressure...

Shelle's (my sister-in-law's mom) wall by the patio- LOVE the vibrant blue!

A sprout Isabella gave me to grow... overshadowing our Tour Eiffel by the kitchen sink

Yummy fruit! Our contribution to Easter dinner.

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