Saturday, May 8, 2010

Better than calamari

I finally got a little piece of a song out of Spencer to share with y'all. After years of painstaking recording, he is finally on the cusp of being done with his first album! The growth curve is significant, and the amount that he has been able to invest in this has greatly increased just in the last couple years. It has been amazing to see how much God has provided, while our income has gotten smaller and smaller. A new laptop, a Resonator guitar with the case, a mic pre-amp, hundreds of effects pedals (he resold 99% of those for profit) and a new desk and bookcase for the music room: all of these have come to us in the last year, since I quit working at Fleming's.

And now we are looking into things like how to send packages of sample EPs to indie radio stations, how to be supported through fans, etc, etc. It is exciting and a bit daunting. I am wanting to spend all my time reading books on the music industry so I can handle all the legal/financial stuff.

But I digress. Here is a link to one of my favourites,

It is short, but it gives you a taste of what is to follow. Please feel free to pass along to anyone you think might enjoy it. Thanks in advance for your support.

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